今天我们要学的词是doable。 Doable, 可行的,可以做到的。 "It's a difficult task, but absolutely doable," 这项工作很不好做,但是绝对可以做得到。 "The management gave a green light to the proposal because they considered it doable," 管理层觉得提案可行,因此给提案开了绿灯。
美国前共和党籍国会众议院议长金里奇一直在考虑2012年是否要参加总统竞选。 "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently said that he's more inclined to think that a presidential bid is doable," 前国会众议院议长金里奇最近说,他现在越发觉得参加总统竞选是非常可行的。好的,今天我们学习的词是doable...
美国前共和党籍国会众议院议长金里奇一直在考虑2012年是否要参加总统竞选。 "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently said that he's more inclined to think that a presidential bid is doable," 前国会众议院议长金里奇最近说,他现在越发觉得参加总统竞选是非常可行的。好的,今天我们学习的词是doable...