今天我们要学的词是responsible。 Responsible, 有事发原因的意思。 "Firefighters believe that vagrants were responsible for the downtown fire," 消防队员认为,市中心大火的肇事者是居无定所的游民。
最新研究发现, "The bacteria responsible for the large cholera outbreak was brought to Haiti by humans," 引起海地大规模霍乱的细菌是由人体带到海地去的。商务网站亚马逊在欧洲的系统星期天发生短暂故障。 "According to Amazon, hardware failure was responsible for the problem, not hackers," 亚马逊表示,系统故障是由硬件失灵造成的,并非黑客袭击。好的,今天我们学习的词是responsible...
最新研究发现, "The bacteria responsible for the large cholera outbreak was brought to Haiti by humans," 引起海地大规模霍乱的细菌是由人体带到海地去的。商务网站亚马逊在欧洲的系统星期天发生短暂故障。 "According to Amazon, hardware failure was responsible for the problem, not hackers," 亚马逊表示,系统故障是由硬件失灵造成的,并非黑客袭击。好的,今天我们学习的词是responsible...