今天我们要学的词是trauma。Trauma, 是创伤的意思,可以是身体上的,也可以是心理上的。 "He suffered head trauma from the car crash," 车祸让他头部受创。 "The veteran still suffers psychological trauma from his days on the battlefield," 战场上的经历至今依旧让这个退伍军人经受着心理创伤。
阿肯色州一个小镇一夜之间突然出现了两千只鸟的尸体。 "The dead birds showed no sign of physical trauma and some people speculated that the birds were scared to death by the New Year's fireworks," 这些死鸟身上没有任何受到伤害的迹象,有人猜它们是被新年的烟火吓死的。好的,今天我们学习的词是trauma...
阿肯色州一个小镇一夜之间突然出现了两千只鸟的尸体。 "The dead birds showed no sign of physical trauma and some people speculated that the birds were scared to death by the New Year's fireworks," 这些死鸟身上没有任何受到伤害的迹象,有人猜它们是被新年的烟火吓死的。好的,今天我们学习的词是trauma...