今天我们要学的词是 rattle, rattle is spelled r-a-t-t-l-e; rattle. Rattle 做为动词,有令人惊慌,烦恼的意思。The car accident rattled me. 车祸让我心有余悸。The host was rattled by the boos from the audience. 台下观众起哄,让主持人乱了阵脚。He's not easily rattled. 他这个人处世不惊。A series of minor earthquakes rattled a rural area along the California-Nevada border. 美国加州和内华达州边境一块乡村地区发生了一系列震级不高的地震。A strong aftershock rattled northeastern Japan on Monday. 日本东北部地区星期一发生强烈余震。好的,今天我们学习的词是 rattle, rattle, rattle.