今天我们要学的词是fast-paced。 Fast-paced, 快节奏的。 旧金山有家小店,专门将邮件转为手写的书信寄给收信者。店主说: "We move in such a fast-paced world that, sometimes, that world can feel kind of cold and impersonal," 我们生活在一个如此快节奏的社会里,有时会让你感到冰冷和不近人情。 "Compared with fast-paced cities such as New York, I prefer to live in the suburbs," 与纽约这种快节奏的城市相比,我更喜欢住在郊区。 "In the fast-paced world of email and instant communication, the postal service has experienced drastic decline in volume in recent years," 在电子邮件和即时通讯的快节奏社会,邮政业务量近年来急剧下降。好的,今天我们学习的词是fast-paced...