今天我们要学的词是petition。Petition, 请愿书。日本去年三月大地震引发核泄露。 "A citizen's group in Japan is gathering signatures for a petition that is calling on the government to permanently shut down all nuclear power plants in the country," 日本一个市民组织正在为一份请愿书筹集签名,呼吁政府永久关闭国内所有核设施。 "Concerned Apple customers delivered petitions to Apple Stores around the world, demanding the tech giant to improve working conditions at overseas manufacturing plants," 苹果产品使用者向世界各地的苹果转卖店递交请愿书,要求这个科技巨头公司改善海外工厂员工的工作条件。好的,今天我们学习的词是petition...