今天我们要学的词是full-blown. Full-blown is spelled f-u-l-l-b-l-o-w-n; full-blown. Full-blown指“全面的,盛开的”。The percentage of U.S. teenagers with "pre-diabetes" or full-blown type 2 diabetes has more than doubled in recent years. 在美国,患有前期糖尿病或晚期二型糖尿病的青少年占青少年人口总数比例在最近几年中增长了一倍多。The UN human rights chief warned that a full-blown civil war could engulf Syria if Assad and the opposition forces do not abide by the UN-brokered peace plan. 联合国人权事务主管警告说,如果叙利亚总统阿萨德和反政府武装不遵守由联合国斡旋的和平计划,叙利亚可能会被全面内战所吞噬。好,今天我们学习的词是 full-blown, full-blown, full-blown...