今天我们要学的词是glut. Glut is spelled g-l-u-t, glut. Glut 是充斥,过量的意思。中国汽车流通协会打算建议汽车生产商们减少产量,因为The worsening glut of vehicles across the nation's car dealerships is unsustainable. 中国各地汽车经销商面临的库存过剩问题正在恶化,这样发展下去难以维系。The U.S. is currently in the midst of a glut of natural gas and related products. 美国市场目前处于天然气和相关产品过剩的状态。Australia's olive oil harvest could be halved this year because of wet conditions and a glut of cheap imports. 澳大利亚今年橄榄油收成可能会比去年减半,这是因为天气潮湿,市场上又充斥着便宜的外国进口橄榄油。好,今天我们学习的词是glut, glut, glut...