今天我们要学的词是update. Update is spelled u-p-d-a-t-e, update. Update 做名词的时候,意思是最新消息,最新情况。生产黑莓手机的公司RIM由于经营不利,开始裁员,但是具体人数不明。RIM said it would offer an update when it reports quarterly financial results on June 28th. RIM公司说,会在6月28号公布季度财务数据时提供最新消息。In her weekly message, the principal gave the parents an update on the renovation process. 校长在每周简报中向家长们介绍了校舍翻新的最新进展。 The media obtained an update on the recovery status of the injured quarterback. 媒体得到了四分位受伤后身体恢复情况的最新报告。好,今天我们学习的词是update, update, update...