今天我们要学的词是interim. Interim is spelled i-n-t-e-r-i-m, interim. Interim 做为形容词,意思是临时的。比如,interim government 临时政府。再比如,The two sides reached an interim agreement that will last for 30 days. 双方达成临时协议,有效期30天。Best Buy's interim CEO said the electronics seller is committed to fundamental changes. 百思买电器公司的临时首席执行官说,这家电器商店决心要做出彻底改变。美国维吉尼亚大学校长被解职引起轩然大波后,UVA's Board of Visitors appointed an interim president after almost 12 hours of debate. 维吉尼亚大学校董经过近12个小时的辩论后,指任了新的临时校长。好的,今天我们学习的词是 interim, interim, interim...