今天我们要学的词是 sunburn. Sunburn 晒伤。When summer arrives, so do the sunburns. 夏天来临,被太阳晒伤的情况就会出现。比如,周末去海边没擦防晒油,I got a bad sunburn on my back. 我后背严重晒伤。In order to prevent sunburns, you should put on sunscreen half an hour before you go into the sun. 要防止晒伤,应该在出去以前半小时擦好防晒油。有研究显示,A person's risk of getting the most common form of skin cancer, melanoma, doubles if that person has had five or more sunburns. 如果某人被太阳晒伤多达五次以上,那么此人患有最常见的皮肤癌 - 恶性黑色素瘤的风险就会加倍。好的,今天我们学习的词是 sunburn, sunburn, sunburn...