今天我们要学的词是ride out. Ride out的意思是经受得住,挺过难关。The sailboat rode out the storm. 帆船抵挡住了暴风雨的袭击。There are signs that a global economic slowdown is hitting U.S. companies that rode out the recession fairly well. 有迹象显示,全球经济放缓正影响到那些本已平安挺过经济衰退期的美国公司。United Parcel Service is betting that its package delivery service contract with the London Olympic Games can help it ride out Europe's recession. 速递公司UPS希望同伦敦奥运会签订的包裹运送合同能帮自己应对欧洲经济衰退带来的影响。好的,今天我们学习的词是ride out, ride out, ride out...