今天我们要学的词是 eject. Eject 是赶走, 逐出的意思。At the GOP convention last week, two people were ejected for throwing peanuts at a black CNN camerawoman.上星期美国共和党召开全国代表大会期间, 两个与会代表因为向CNN一个黑人女摄像扔花生被逐出会场。美式足球协会NFL对球迷在赛场内的无礼表现采取措施。NFL teams are requiring any fan who gets ejected from a stadium to take a four-hour online course before they can come back into the facility again. NFL球队规定, 凡是被赶出球场的球迷必须要在网上参加一个四小时的培训课程, 然后才能重新进入赛场. 好的,今天我们学习的词是eject, eject, eject...