今天我们要学的词是 literacy。Literacy 意思是读写能力。McDonalds stores in the UK will replace the toys which come with its Happy Meals with books to boost child literacy. 英国的麦当劳将把儿童套餐里的玩具换成书籍,帮助孩子们提高读写能力。印度研究机构的数字显示,The Muslims have the lowest literacy rates among all religious communities in the country. 跟印度其他宗教的人相比,穆斯林的识字率最低。A new state law in Texas requires high schools to teach students about financial literary. 美国德克萨斯州的一项新法律要求高中向学生传授理财方面的知识。好的,今天我们学习的词是 literacy, literacy, literacy....