学个词 Learn A Word:1833 head start
教程:学个词 Learn A Word  浏览:528  
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    今天我们要学的词是head start. Head start 意思是抢先起步。All parents want to give their children a head start. 家长都希望让自己的孩子走在起跑线前面。I started reading the books for next semester to get a head start. 我提前开始读下学期的书,先行一步。The candidate launched his campaign well ahead of everyone else, hoping to get a head start. 这名候选人早早就启动了自己的竞选攻势,希望能抢到先机。好的,今天我们学习的词是 head start, head start, head start...
      上一篇:学个词 Learn A Word:1832 flimsy 下一篇:学个词 Learn A Word:1834 perfection

