学个词 Learn A Word: 3275 enshrine 供奉
教程:学个词 Learn A Word  浏览:462  
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    今天我们要学的词是 enshrine.

    如果你知道 shrine 指的是神庙,Enshrine 作为动词就很容易理解,意思是供奉。

    Cubans have overwhelmingly ratified a new constitution that enshrines the one-party socialist system while instituting modest economic and social changes. 古巴人以压倒性多数批准了一部新宪法,该宪法奉行一党制社会主义制度,同时推动适度的经济和社会变革。


    Enshrine 也有牢记、铭刻的意思。

    Newspaper reporters are deemed the guardians of free debate and the United States enshrined their rights in the constitution. 报刊记者被视为自由辩论的守护人,美国将他们的权利纳入宪法。



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