今天我们要学的词是 hunker. Hunker is spelled H-U-N-K-E-R, hunker.
Hunker 是蹲着、蹲坐的意思,常与 down 连用,hunker down的意思就是准备长期蹲守。
Top U.S. experts on infectious diseases are calling on Americans to "hunker down" significantly more to slow the spread of the coronavirus. 美国顶尖的传染病专家呼吁美国人蹲守在家,以减缓冠状病毒的传播。
With borders shut, schools and businesses closing, and increasingly drastic restrictions on movement, tens of millions of people were hunkered down to isolate themselves from coronavirus risk. 随着边界关闭、学校停学和企业停业,以及行动限制越来越严格,数千万人待在家里,以免受到冠状病毒的威胁。
好的,我们今天学习的词是hunker, hunker, hunker.