今天我们要学的词是 alleviate. Alleviate is spelled A-L-L-E-V-I-A-T-E, alleviate.
Alleviate 的意思是减轻,缓解。
The medications being tested for coronavirus treatments are focused on neutralizing the virus itself, alleviating its life-threatening symptoms, and boosting a patient's immune system. 用于治疗冠状病毒的药物正在测试中,这类药物主要针对的是消除病毒本身, 减轻带来生命危险的症状以及增强患者的免疫力。
Senate Republicans and Democrats all agree on helping American college students alleviate growing financial strain during the ongoing pandemic, but they have different vlews on how to structure student loan relief plans. 参议院共和党人和民主党人都同意在流行病大爆发期间帮助美国大学生缓解日益加重的经济压力,但是他们对如何规划减免学生贷款计划的看法不同。
好的,我们今天学习的词是 alleviate, alleviate, alleviate.