In today’s Business English Podcast episode, we’ll be looking at closing down and summarizing your presentation.
A strong introduction is important to give your audience a reason for listening. Similarly, a strong conclusion is very important to leaving your audience with a great impression and giving them a clear message about what action to take.
So what structure should you use to close down a presentation? We suggest this simple format:
1. Give your audience a clear signal that your are going to finish.
2. Briefly summarize the main points of your presentation.
3. State your recommendation or give your call to action—let your audience know what you want them to do.
4. Finish off by thanking your listeners and inviting questions or discussion.
In today’s listening we’ll be exploring this format. The listening takes place at Harper-Tolland, a major global producer of special purpose steel. Last year Harper-Tolland launched a new product line but the sales results in Europe have been quite disappointing. Nicholas Fischer, the new regional sales director for Harper-Tolland, has been hired to fix the problem. He is just finishing off a presentation in which he has been discussing his proposal.
在今天的听力中,我们将要探索这种机构。听力发生在Harper- Tolland,一个全球生产特种钢的工厂。去年Harper-Tolland上了一条心的生产线,但是在欧洲的销售结果很令人失望。 Nicholas Fischer,新的区域销售主管上任来解决这一问题。他正在结束陈述,陈述中会讨论到他的新计划。