Today we’re talking about using the telephone. This is something we all do, but we don’t all do well.
Talking on the telephone has become an extremelyimportant part of business. You need to be able to answer a call professionally and create a good image of yourself and your company with only your voice. Having effective telephone skills leaves a goodimpression on your customers, clients, and colleagues. People are busy, so you want to be very clear, polite and organized.
In this lesson, we’ll begin by looking at a bad example of answering a call and taking message. We’ll discuss why it’s a bad example, and then we’ll go into a good example of answering a call. I’m sure you’ll see a clear difference.
For our bad example, we’ll listen as Justin, an employee with Trivesco, calls a shipping company called Daneline. Justin is hoping to speak with Sylvie Petersen, but it is a receptionist named Amy who answers the phone.
在不好的例子中, Trivesco公司的雇员Justin给船运公司 Daneline打电话。Justin希望和Sylvie Petersen通话,但是是接待员Amy接的电话。
Listening Questions – Bad Example
1. How would you describe Amy’s attitude?
2. Does Justin seem prepared?
Listening Questions – Good Example
1. What information does Amy include in her first sentence?
2. How does Mark Rand introduce himself?