

Less than two weeks ahead of China's national college entrance examination, or gaokao, which will take place on June 7 and 8, the Ministry of Education has signed contracts with higher education admission commissions of all provinces, regions and municipalities to ensure a fair, transparent national exam across the country.
此次教育部出台的高考防作弊举措(anti-cheating measures)包括,在所有考场安装监控摄像头(installing monitoring cameras at every testing venue)以及手机信号屏蔽设备(mobile phone signal shield)。另外,各地教育部门还将组织考生签订诚信高考承诺书(letter of commitment)。
各地将重点打击利用无线电设备考场内外串通作弊(collusion through wireless devices)、替考(surrogating)和有组织的团伙舞弊(organized group cheating)等严重违规违法行为,对高考作弊行为“零容忍”(zero tolerance)。