The government will revive mortgage-backed debt sales this week after a six-year hiatus, as China extends more help to homebuyers in a flagging property market.
Residential mortgage-backed debt也就是residential mortgage-backed securities,简称RMBS,即“住房贷款抵押证券”,也称为“按揭抵押证券”。这种证券是将银行持有的住房抵押贷款转化为证券,在资本市场上出售给投资者,银行可以将这部分变现资金用以发放新的住房抵押贷款,从而拓宽银行的筹集渠道,扩大银行的资金来源,进而增强银行的资产扩张能力。
金融机构出售住房贷款抵押证券能够帮助银行free up space on their balance sheets for more lending(释放资产负债表),又能transfer the risk of the loans to buyers of the products(将风险转移给MBS买家)。住房贷款抵押证券是政府用来avert a plunge in the property market(阻止房地产市场下行)的一个supplemental measure(补充手段)。
2014上半年中国楼市量价齐跌,地方政府和开发商压力都很大,部分城市已经waive restrictions on the number of properties each resident is allowed to own(取消限购政策)。