5. 新常态 new normal
The "new normal" theory elaborated by Chinese President Xi Jinping would be one of the hallmarks to be engraved in history by the meetings of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Beijing.
今年5月习近平在河南考察时首次提及“新常态”(new normal)。此次APEC演讲标志着,习近平“新常态”之论进一步成形。
他认为中国经济的新常态有几个主要特点:速度——“从高速增长转为中高速增长”(the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth),结构——“经济结构不断优化升级”(the economic structure is constantly improved and upgraded),动力——“从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动”(the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and investment)。