Lyu Xinhua, spokesman for the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, talks to media on the sidelines of a news conference on Monday. Wei Xiaohao / China Daily
I should say, the Party, the government, and the general public actually adopt the same attitude when it comes to anti-corruption. So we can be said to be capricious in fighting against corruption, and we are entitled to be so.
现场翻译用这句话巧妙解释了这一含义:No one has impunity.(没有人可以免罚。)
Lyu said that in fighting corruption it's important to deal with any and all of it. There will be no "iron-cap princes" that have immunity, he said.(吕新华表示,在反腐斗争中,发现一起查处一起,发现多少查处多少,没有不受查处的“铁帽子王”。)
"Iron-cap princes" refers to 12 special princes during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) whose princely titles were to be "passed on forever" through generations. Other princes' sons could only inherit a title at a lower level.
铁帽子王和其他亲王相比,享有的特权一是“世袭罔替”, 隔代不降爵;二是俸禄优厚,岁俸银1万两,禄米1万斛;三是赐予世袭罔替王府,又叫铁帽子王府。