An evaluation guide for official websites, which was attached to a document released by the General Office of the State Council, said "zombie" government websites that serve no one will be shut down.
“僵尸政府网站”可以用"zombie" government websites表示。僵尸(zombie)原指是靠巫术起死回生的僵尸,后引申为迟钝无生气的人或动作呆板而不动脑筋的人。在计算机时代,僵尸多指受黑客或某些特定程序操控的电脑或虚假账号,比如zombie fan(僵尸粉)、zombie computer(僵尸电脑)等。
此次普查的目的是,摸清全国政府网站基本情况,有效解决一些政府网站存在的群众反映强烈的“不及时( information is not delivered in a timely manner)、不准确( inaccurate )、不回应( not responsive)、不实用(not useful)”等问题,切实消除政府网站“僵尸”“睡眠”等现象。
如果网站出现将党和国家领导人姓名写错( misspell state leaders' names),无法打开(fail to open)、不更新(not updated)、发布伪造或色情内容( publish fraudulent or sexually explicit content )、三个月内不回复公众问询(no response to public inquiries in three months)等,就将被认定为“不合格网站”,应立即关停整改。让政府官网(official government websites)充当联结政府和民众之间的便捷桥梁,而非官员政治形象的装饰品(decorations for their political image)。