After the explosions at Tianjin Port, Internet users began to appeal to celebrities and rich people to donate money to help those affected by the disaster. Some netizens even tried to force them into doing so, such kind of extortive donations can amount to a form of blackmail.
“逼捐”可以用extortive donations表示,形容词extortive意思是“勒索的,强求的”;动词原形是extort,如刑讯逼供(extort a confession by torture)。“逼捐”是在2008年汶川地震捐款中凸显的社会现象。“逼捐”的行动,通常是在网络或者传统媒体上列出捐款排行榜,然后揪出其中的 “铁公鸡”(iron cock)来,进行谴责和辱骂,甚至电话骚扰,最严重的是号召民众到商家店门口抗议示威。
富人捐款体现了社会责任感,也为他人树立了榜样(an example for others to emulate),然而,他们并没有捐款的义务(obligation)。公众不应该对他们进行道德绑架(attempt to morally kidnap them)。