Special Snowflake(syndrome) is a derogatory term widely used to describe someone who often whines about deserving special treatment or sees oneself as exceptionally unique for no apparent reason. The term probably derives from what our mothers always told us as kids that we are "special and unique, like a snowflake".
On October 15th, 1999, the film Fight Club was released. The film features one of the protagonists, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) telling the men looking to join the fight club:“You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.”
One of the earliest instances of the term online was posted on February 28th, 2003, by the MC Journal, which published an article titled “You Are Not a Beautiful and Unique Snowflake Fighting and Ideology in Fight Club.”
这个说法在互联网上最早出现是在2003年2月28日,MC Journal刊登了一篇文章,题目为“你不是一片美丽的独一无二的雪花以及《搏击俱乐部》的斗争和意识形态”。