Mourners place flowers at the site where Chinese student Jiang Yue was shot and killed in an apparent road rage incident on Jan 16 in Temple, Arizona. A memorial was held Monday afternoon at the location where more than 200 people, including the victim's fellow students, members of the Chinese community and local residents, gathered to mourn her death. [Photo courtesy of Kristine Liu /]
The student, Yue Jiang, 19, died after being shot, police said. Holly Davis, 32, has been charged with first-degree murder.
16日下午,受害人江玥驾驶汽车,在交叉路口等红灯时被后车追尾(be involved in a collision at an intersection)。江玥车上一名男性友人下车检查车辆损坏情况(assess the damage),发现肇事车女司机竟持枪走下车来。肇事者来到车前,向江玥连开数枪(fire several shots)。江玥中枪后无法控制车辆(lose control of her vehicle),失控撞上另一辆车(crash into another car)。随后嫌犯驾车逃逸(flee the scene)。
嫌犯戴维斯将被控诉4项重罪:一级谋杀罪(first-degree premeditated murder)、持致命武器重度攻击他人罪(aggravated assault with a deadly weapon)、持致命武器行为不当罪(disorderly contact with a deadly weapon)以及私藏致命武器罪(prohibited possession)。
这起案件被美国媒体称为“路怒枪击”,但警方调查显示,戴维斯可能醉酒或滥用药物,且存在精神疾病和暴力倾向,事因并非简单的“路怒”(road rage)。
在美国刑法中,一级谋杀罪(first-degree murder)是指非法施行杀人行为且兼具“杀人之意图”及“事先预谋计划”者。二级谋杀罪(second-degree murder)是指有杀人的故意而其杀人行为并非经预谋或计划,且非出于义愤者。