China's Finance Minister Lou Jiwei speaks at the China Development Forum in Beijing on Sunday. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/China Daily]
Finance Minister Lou Jiwei fielded questions about a recent decision by Moody's to downgrade China's sovereign debt rating, saying the move has done little to affect the value of the renminbi or China's status as a global market powerhouse.
主权债务评级(sovereign debt rating)是信用评级机构对一国政府作为债务人履行偿债责任的信用意愿与信用能力的评判,也称为主权信用评级(sovereign credit rating/ sovereign rating)目前主要的评级机构有惠誉、标普和穆迪。
主权债务评级可以分为长期评级(long-term rating)和短期评级(short-term rating)。其等级一般从高到低分为AAA,AA,A,BBB,BB,B,CCC,CC,C。
本月初,国际评级机构穆迪将中国主权信用评级展望从“稳定”下调至“负面”(cut its credit rating outlook on China and its biggest banks from stable to negative),确认长期信用评级为Aa3,理由是政府债务增加(rising debts)、外汇储备下降及当局实施的改革存在一些不确定性。
楼继伟表示,他理解穆迪对中国的一些担心,但是穆迪护忽视了中国在削减落后产能以及去杠杆化方面(cut overcapacity and to deleverage)作出的努力。他指出,虽然评级调整,但市场并未因此有大波澜,离岸人民币不降反升。我们不在意他的评级。