A child attends an Earth Hour activity in Shanghai in March calling for environmental protection. The event was started in 2007 by the WorldWide Fund for Nature, an environmental NGO. [Photo/CHINA DAILY]
China adopted its first-ever law on overseas NGOs on Thursday to facilitate their legal operations on the mainland but to combat any activity that might harm national security.
The 54-point law clarifies the registration process, operational rules and liabilities of overseas NGOs, as well as measures for their operations in China.
该法所称境外非政府组织(overseas non-governmental organizations),是指在境外合法成立的基金会(foundations)、社会团体(social organizations)、智库机构(think tank)等非营利、非政府的社会组织(non-profit and non-governmental social organizations)。
境外NGO依照本法可以在经济、教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育、环保等领域和济困、救灾等方面开展有利于公益事业发展的活动。境外NGO在中国境内不得从事或者资助营利性活动(profit-seeking activities)、政治活动(political activities),不得非法从事或者资助宗教活动(religious activities)。