Four six-square meter apartments sold this weekend in Shenzhen made a splash in the media, but the sales were later declared illegal due to unauthorized modifications made to the properties.
Nicknamed "pigeonholes", these mini studios are located in a 15-story building called Qiaocheng Shangyu, which offers 11 apartments at sizes ranging from 5.73 to 7.48 square meters, and 160 other units of 35 to 45 square meters.
我们原来说过,pigeonhole可以理解为“蜗居”,也就是居住空间狭小的房子。随着大城市房价不断飙升,这些年人们为了给自己找个安身之所也是够拼了,先有胶囊公寓(capsule apartment),后有住在集装箱里的“柜族”(cupboard tribe),再后来还有自己修建蛋屋(egg house)的年轻人。
此番引发热议的6平米房因为占用了楼层中的公摊面积(public shared areas),所以实际面积为12到20平方米。当地规划和国土资源委员认定该房型涉嫌违法改建销售,要求对项目占用公摊面积部分采取强制措施恢复原状(demolish the illegal constructions)。与购房者解除买方协议(cancel trading contracts),此外对所涉房地产中介机构非法交易行为展开调查(real estate agencies investigated for illegal dealing)。