The core module of the space station will be launched in 2018 on board a new-generation Long March-5 heavyweight carrier rocket, said Bao Weimin, director with CASC and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
It will be followed by a series of launches for other components of the space station, including two space labs, which will dock with the core module while in space, in the next four years or so, he said.
中国空间站核心舱(core module of the space station)已于2016年底完成总装,目前进入整舱测试阶段。
包为民介绍,空间站在轨运行数十年,会遇到许多空间碎片(space debris),因此在设计时重点考虑了空间站的可维修性。此外,空间站设计了完整的可再生生命保障系统(Bioregenerative Life Support System)。航天员呼出的水蒸气会通过冷凝水的方式回收,排泄的尿液也会回收净化,重新作为饮用水和生活用水使用。
长征五号是实现未来探月工程三期(the third stage of lunar exploration program)、载人空间站(manned space station)、首次火星探测任务(the first probe to Mars)等国家重大科技专项和重大工程的重要基础和前提保障。按计划,2017年嫦娥五号落月采样返回、2018年发射空间站核心舱、2020年发射火星探测器等任务都将依靠长征五号来实现。