Kenya President Uhuru Kenyatta sets fire to the largest pile of ivory that was burned on May, 2016. Photo by Hou Liqiang/China Daily
China has long been one of the world's biggest markets for ivory, but as of 2018 all trade in ivory and ivory products in the country is illegal.
如果有商家跟您说,“我们是国家批准的象牙专卖店(this is a State-approved ivory dealer')”,“这个象牙是有证的”“是合法的”,他一定在忽悠您以身试法(he is duping you and knowingly violating the law)!
世界自然基金会表示:“很高兴看到世界上最大的象牙市场关门(delighted to see the doors of the world's largest ivory market close)”。
世界自然基金会非洲干事弗雷德·库马(Fred Kumah)在博客中写道:
“This is a significant step that should prove to be a huge boost to elephant protection efforts in Africa.
总部设在瑞士的国际自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,IUCN)2016年发布报告称,非洲境内可供调查区域内的非洲大象数量从2006年的50万头下降到41.5万头,十年间大象的数量锐减了20%,主要是象牙引起的大规模盗猎(poaching)所致,而区域外大象数量还难以预测。
2016年12月30日,国务院办公厅发布通知,2017年3月31日前先行停止一批象牙定点加工单位和定点销售场所加工销售象牙及制品活动(designated processing enterprises and trade venues of ivory and ivory products were closed before March 31, 2017),2017年12月31日前全面停止。
2017年12月12日,国际野生物贸易研究组织(TRAFFIC)和世界自然基金会(WWF)共同发布了《禁贸下的需求——中国象牙消费研究(2017)》报告。报告指出,自中国实施象牙禁贸措施以来,获得了公众的普遍支持,象牙购买行为正在逐渐减少(decline in ivory purchase),象牙价格也较上年下降50%(50% down in ivory price)。
2017年12月29日,中国国家林业局(State Forestry Administration)联合中国野生动物保护协会(China Wildlife Conservation Association)、国际公益组织野生救援(WildAid)等机构,联合发布了由公益大使姚明拍摄的最新公益广告《以法律之名,让象牙不再是商品》。
The ivory products are of great value, but this value is not in its price but in numerous lives of elephants where they are from. Ivory trade is now banned in China. Ivory is no longer a commercial item in accordance with law.