1. 减税大礼包
tax reduction package
China will cut value-added tax (VAT) rates as part of a tax reduction package amounting to 400 billion yuan this year to drive high-quality development.
28日,国务院总理李克强主持召开国务院常务会议(a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang),会上作出了上述决定。会议决定,自5月1日起,制造业等行业增值税税率将从17%降至16%(the tax rate for manufacturing will be lowered from 17% to 16%),交通运输、建筑、基础电信服务(transportation, construction, basic telecommunication services)等行业及农产品等货物的增值税税率将从11%降至10%。
会议还决定,将统一增值税小规模纳税人标准(standard for small-scale taxpayers)。将工业企业和商业企业(industrial and commercial enterprises)小规模纳税人的年销售额(annual sales volume)标准由50万元和80万元上调至500万元,并在一定期限内允许已登记为一般纳税人的企业转登记为小规模纳税人(enterprises registered as general taxpayers will be allowed to switch their status to small-scale taxpayers within a given time)。
作为减税大礼包(tax reduction package)的一部分,对装备制造等先进制造业(advanced manufacturing)、研发等现代服务业符合条件的企业和电网企业在一定时期内未抵扣完的进项税额予以一次性退还(receive a lump-sum refund for their initial input VAT payments yet to be deducted)。实施上述三项措施,全年将减轻市场主体税负超过4000亿元,内外资企业都将同等受益。
减税降费 cut taxes and administrative fees
个税改革 reform of personal income tax
税收减免 tax reduction and exemption
营改增 replace business tax with value-added tax
税级 tax brackets
2. 洋垃圾
overseas/foreign garbage
China's environmental watchdog has approved two action plans, vowing to further crack down on the smuggling of overseas garbage while maintaining a tough stance against pollution caused by processing of imported waste.
洋垃圾(overseas/foreign garbage)是指进口固体废物(imported solid waste),有时又特指以走私、夹带等方式进口国家禁止进口的固体废物(banned solid waste smuggled into China)或未经许可擅自进口属于限制进口的固体废物。2017年7月18日,中国正式通知世界贸易组织,自2017年年底开始将不再接收外来垃圾,包括废弃塑胶(plastic waste)、纸类(paper waste)及纺织品等。
生态环境部(the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)26日召开第一次常务会议(the first executive meeting),通过了《关于全面落实〈禁止洋垃圾入境推进固体废物进口管理制度改革实施方案〉2018—2020年行动方案》(the 2018-2020 action plan for implementation of the reform plan to ban waste imports),《进口固体废物加工利用企业环境违法问题专项督查行动方案(2018年)》和《垃圾焚烧发电行业达标排放专项整治行动方案》。
生态环境部有关负责人表示,禁止洋垃圾入境是党中央、国务院在新时期新形势下作出的一项重大决策(major decision)部署,是我国生态文明建设的标志性举措(a landmark measure for the country's construction of an ecological civilization)。"要坚定不移、不折不扣地落实好这项工作。要着眼于推动高质量发展,统筹考虑行动方案目标任务,全面提升我国固体废物污染防治水平(improve China's capability in solid waste pollution control)。要加强部门间协调沟通,加大信息共享及联动执法力度,建立长效工作机制(a long-term working procedure featuring information sharing and coordinated law enforcement will be established)。要进一步完善监管制度,强化洋垃圾非法入境管控(the border controls on illegal foreign garbage will be intensified),深入实施全过程监管(the entire process in the industry will be inspected),确保各项任务落实到位。"
循环利用 recycling
危险废物 hazardous waste
生态安全 ecological security
生态足迹 ecological footprint
生态保护红线 red lines for ecological protection
3. 快递业新规
new rules for the express delivery sector
New rules have been announced for the express delivery sector, demanding companies use eco-friendly, biodegradable and reusable packaging materials.
27日,我国第一部专门针对快递业的行业法规《快递暂行条例》(以下简称《条例》)出台,新规将自5月1日起施行(be set to take effect on May 1)。《条例》规定要加强消费者保护(improve the protection of consumers)、应对包括信息安全和包装废弃物等新问题(tackle emerging problems, including information security and packaging waste)。经营快递业务的企业及其从业人员(enterprises or individuals engaging in express delivery services)出售或泄露用户信息(sell or disclose users' information),情节严重的将面临最高被处以10万元的罚款(face a maximum 100,000 yuan penalty)。此外,《条例》还规定快递服务企业要在七天内处理投诉问题(deal with complaints within seven days),否则将受到行政处罚(administrative penalty)。
国家邮政局方面称,《条例》是在我国快递业实现发展的基础上制定的。数据显示,快递业近十年发展迅猛,2017年全国快递业务量完成了400.6亿件,是2007年的33.4倍,年均增长达到42%(average annual growth of 42%),连续四年业务量位居世界第一(top the world for four straight years in terms of volume)。2017年我国快递业营收达4950亿元(see 495 billion yuan worth of revenue)。
隐私威胁 privacy threat
运单 waybill
快递实名制 real name policy for parcels
暴力分拣 rough handling of parcels, rough sorting method
一次性包装 disposable package
4. 沙尘天气
sandy and dusty weather
The Beijing Meteorological Service issued a warning on Wednesday morning on sandy and dusty weather in the city.
据中央气象台介绍,此次沙尘源自蒙古国,覆盖范围涉及内蒙古、山西、河北、吉林,以及北京、天津等地,影响面积约达150万平方公里。中央气象台称,此次沙尘天气(sandy and dusty weather)强度大,造成多地空气质量(air quality)爆表。
中央气象台称,3月以来,我国北方地区雨水较少(little rain),气温偏高,加之北方地区地表土壤(surface soil)解冻,气象条件总体有利于沙尘天气的生成。而且本次影响我国北方地区的气旋发展强盛,从蒙古国吹来的沙子(sand blew in from Mongolia)随气旋(cyclone)东移发展携带上游的沙尘,一路向西影响到京津冀及东北地区。
生态环境部中国环境监测总站首席预报员牛莉莉介绍,雾霾(smog)和沙尘同时出现并非偶然现象。26-28日华北地区有PM2.5为主的污染过程,西北方向冷空气携沙尘而来,冷空气原本对于PM2.5是比较有利的扩散条件(the cold air was supposed to be a favorable condition to disperse PM2.5),然而冷空气同时也带来了沙尘,导致产生PM10(bring sand and dust on its way, resulting in PM10)。前期不利气象条件生成了PM2.5,同时又传输来了PM10,因此同时出现了PM2.5和PM10。中央气象台预计,未来10天,冷空气(cold fronts)和气旋活动将较为活跃,新疆南疆盆地、内蒙古中西部、西北地区东部等地多扬沙或浮尘天气(sandy or dusty weather),局地有沙尘暴(sandstorm)。
肺泡 alveoli of the lungs
毒害物质 toxic and hazardous matters
空气末日 airpocalypse
空气过滤口罩 air filtration face mask
环境监测 environmental monitoring
5. 美国外交人员
US diplomats
Russia will expel 60 US diplomats and shut the US consulate general in St Petersburg in tit-for-tat retaliation for Washington's moves against Moscow over an ex-spy incident, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Thursday.
根据俄罗斯外交部发表的公告,俄已将58名美驻莫斯科大使馆外交人员(58 diplomats from the US Embassy in Moscow)以及2名美驻叶卡捷琳堡总领馆外交人员列为"不受欢迎的人(persona non grata)",要求他们在4月5日前离开俄罗斯。俄方还将收回美驻圣彼得堡总领馆的开馆和办公许可(the consent to the opening and functioning of the US consulate general in St Petersburg was withdrawn),要求其工作人员在3月31日前从当前办公地点搬出。
公告还称,若美国继续对俄驻美外交和领事机构采取敌对行为(continue hostile actions against Russian diplomatic and consular missions in the US),则俄方将对美驻俄外交和领事机构及人员采取补充措施(take additional measures against the personnel and facilities of the US embassy and consulates in Russia)。
自前俄英双重间谍(double agent)谢尔盖·斯克里帕利及其女儿尤利娅本月4日在英国索尔兹伯的一家购物中心里被发现失去意识(be found unconscious)以来,俄罗斯与西方国家的紧张局势急剧升级(tension between Russia and Western countries sharply escalated)。英美及其盟友指责俄罗斯对斯克里帕利采取化学攻击(accuse Moscow of launching a chemical attack against Skripal),这些国家于本周早些时候陆续驱逐了大量俄外交人员。俄罗斯对控诉予以否认(deny allegations),要求这些国家拿出确凿证据(solid evidence)。
高级别对话 high-level dialogue
对峙 confrontation
不友好行为 unfriendly act
陷入僵局 come to/reach an impasse
外交协商 diplomatic negotiation