A view of the CBD area in Beijing on Jan 12, 2018. [Photo/Chinanews.com]
The country's top environmental watchdog will dispatch about 18,000 law enforcement officers to conduct air pollution control inspections in three key areas starting on Monday.
今年的督查主题为“蓝天保卫战(Blue Sky Protection Campaign)”,重点对京津冀(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)及周边“2+26”城市、汾谓平原(Fenhe and Weihe plains)11城市,以及长三角地区(the Yangtze River Delta)等重点区域持续开展大气污染防治强化督查。
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is still the area with the worst air quality in the country.
Hebei, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong provinces and Tianjin saw no more than 60 percent of days last year with fairly good air quality. And the situation in the Fenhe and Weihe river valleys is deteriorating, not improving.
此次强化督查将分三个阶段,围绕产业结构(industrial structure)、能源结构(energy structure)、运输结构(transportation structure)和用地结构(land use structure)4项重点任务,检查“散乱污”企业(poorly managed - and polluting - small enterprises)综合整治情况、工业企业环境问题治理情况、清洁取暖(clean energy heating)及燃煤替代(coal substitution)情况等。
可吸入颗粒物 inhalable particulate
灰霾污染日 haze pollution day
工业粉尘 industrial dust
扬尘污染 dust pollution
空气污染防治 air pollution control
废物管理 waste management
环境监测 environmental monitoring