A post by Darknet appeared on Tuesday selling the private information of 130 million people, who are alleged clients of the Huazhu Group's hotels. The information sells for 8 Bitcoin, equivalent to $54,400 or 520 Monero, The Beijing News reported on Tuesday.
“信息、数据泄露”可以用data/information leak、data breach或者data spill表示,任何个人未经授权复制、传输、查阅、盗窃或者使用敏感、受保护或者机密的信息(sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen or used by an individual unauthorized to do so)都属于信息泄露。
撞库(dictionary attack)是黑客通过收集互联网已泄露的用户和密码信息,生成对应的字典表,尝试批量登录其他网站后,得到一系列可以登录的用户。因为很多用户在不同网站使用的账号密码大多是相同的,因此黑客可以通过获取用户在A网站的账户从而尝试登录B网站。
泄露的信息(leaked information)包括华住官网注册资料(registration information)、酒店入住登记的身份信息以及酒店开房记录(record of hotel stay),住客的姓名、手机号、邮箱、身份证号、登录账号密码、家庭地址、生日、同房间关联号、卡号、入住时间、离开时间、房间号、消费金额等详细数据。
The company said police are investigating the alleged information leak and has hired professionals to determine if the "relevant private information" came from the company.
《中华人民共和国网络安全法》于2017年6月1日起施行,这是我国网络领域的基础性法律,明确加强了对个人信息的保护(protection of personal information),打击网络诈骗(cyber fraud)。
网络安全法共有7章79条,其中针对个人信息泄露问题规定:互联网服务提供方不得收集与服务无关的用户信息(internet service providers are forbidden from collecting user information that is irrelevant to the services provided);网络产品、服务具有收集用户信息功能的,其提供者应当向用户明示并取得同意;网络运营者不得泄露、篡改、毁损其收集的个人信息;任何个人和组织不得窃取或者以其他非法方式获取个人信息,不得非法出售或者非法向他人提供个人信息。
该司法解释明确,非法获取、出售或者提供公民个人信息“情节严重”者将面临最高3年的刑期,“情节特别严重”者将面临7年刑期(those convicted of selling or providing personal information could face a maximum sentence of three years if "the circumstances are serious," while if "the circumstances are especially serious," violators could face up to seven years in prison)。