Some people who have received the new iPhone XS say that the new selfie camera makes them look too good — so good that they think Apple must have added a "beauty mode" filter to the camera's algorithms to smooth the subject's skin.
一些刚刚入手iPhone XS的用户表示,新的自拍摄像头把他们拍得太好看了,他们认为苹果一定是在摄像头的算法中加入了“美颜模式”,来达到给用户“磨皮”的效果。
所谓的“美颜模式(beauty mode)”就是指利用滤镜(filter)或者美化工具(beautifying tools)对照片中的人像进行磨皮、去斑点等美化处理,让照片上的人像看上去更美观。很多国产手机的照相机都有专门的“人像模式(portrait mode)”,在该模式下拍摄的人像照片会自动进行美化处理。
"I am so frustrated with this camera. I look stupid in snaps. It looks like I'm using an air brush filter," Redditor gray_13 posted.
"I just got my phone and love it, but when I opened the camera app to the front facing camera, my face looked like it had a Snapchat filter on it. My skin looks too smooth," w_illiam_ilson posted last week.
另一位网友 w_illiam_ilson上周说:“刚拿到我的新手机,好喜欢,可是我打开前置摄像头的时候,发现我的脸好像加了Snapchat滤镜。皮肤看着太光滑了。”
而 YouTube 上知名的《UnboxTherapy》节目主播 Hilsenteger 亲测后也吐槽说:“我感觉自己好像涂了一层粉底。”他把这种现象称为“美颜门(beautygate)”
他专门拍了一段对比视频印证了这个说法,图片最左边的是 iPhone X,中间两台则是 iPhone XS 和 XS Max,最右边的是 iPhone 6,中间的人脸确实会更白更洁净一些。
苹果产品博客Cult Of Mac表示,这并不是苹果加入“美颜效果”,而是 iPhone“降噪算法(noise reduction algorithm)”后的处理结果。用户在弱光环境下用手机拍摄的照片上会有很多“噪点(noise)”,随着苹果手机芯片和传感器的不断升级,操作系统会自动识别照片中的噪点并将其消除。
对此说法,商业内幕网(Business Insider)分别在室内环境(indoor office lighting)、弱光环境(dim lighted room)、以及光线充足的室外环境(bright outdoor environment)专门进行了测试。
结果显示,无论在何种环境下,用iPhone XS Max拍摄出来的照片都有“磨皮”效果。
Whether people like the effects is up to them. But perhaps what's bothering some people is the fact that there's no option to turn off the excessive smoothing effect.