The Palace Museum in Beijing releases its first music album, Oct 22, 2018. [Photo/China Youth Daily]
The Palace Museum in Beijing has teamed up with Chinese internet giant Tencent to launch its first music album, which ties in with 11 of the most famous paintings in the museum's collection.
此次故宫博物院甄选了《清明上河图》(Along the River During the Qingming Festival)、《洛神赋图》(An Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River)、《墨梅图》等11幅院藏传世名画,为参赛选手提供创作主题。故宫博物院书画部的研究专家作为指导老师,也在帮助年轻的创作者们理解古画内容及其背后的历史文化背景(historical and cultural background)。经方文山、张亚东等资深音乐人(veteran musicians)遴选后最终形成专辑《古画会唱歌》(Ancient Paints Can Sing)。
The picture Along the River During the Qingming Festival, or Qingming Shanghe Tu, recreated by a Chinese woman with bits of fabric is displayed in Beijing, China, Sept 7, 2018. [Photo/IC]
"The Forbidden City is the carrier of traditional culture and embodies the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese. It is the most important duty of the Palace Museum to explore and spread the spiritual wealth," Shan said.
Music producer Zhang Yadong (right) participates in the event at the Palace Museum in Beijing, on Oct 22, 2018. [Photo by Jiang Dong/Asianewsphoto]
Lyric writer Vincent Fang (left) participates in the event at the Palace Museum in Beijing, on Oct 22, 2018. [Photo by Jiang Dong/Asianewsphoto]
单霁翔将《古画会唱歌》称为一个"奇妙的超级链接(a wonderful hyperlink)",并期待书画加音乐加科技,会产生令人想象不到的化学反应。同时他也相信双方联合成立的创新实验室(innovation laboratory),会迸发出更多合作灵感和成果。故宫计划将院藏藏品与更多新技术相融合(further integrate new technologies into their collections),使传统文化更具吸引力(make traditional culture more engaging)。
据悉,故宫博物院与腾讯集团于2016年7月正式建立合作伙伴关系(establish a partnership),共同推动传统文化与数字创意的结合(promote the integration of traditional culture and digital creativity),以社交、游戏、动漫、音乐、工具、青年创新赛事、人工智能(artificial intelligence)、云计算(cloud computing)、LBS、眼动技术十大文化创意业态与前沿技术,全面助力故宫传统文化"活起来"。