The program asks public medical institutions in the pilot cities to purchase 60 to 70 percent of their total annual demand for certain medicines through a pooled procurement mechanism in order to get a lower price.
集中采购(centralized procurement/pooled procurement)指对相同或功能相近的采购项目,尽量集中在一次进行采购,以减少采购次数,提高工作效率,降低采购成本。
经国家药品监督管理部门批准、在中国大陆地区上市的集中采购范围内药品的生产企业(all approved enterprises that can produce drugs on the procurement list in the Chinese mainland),均可参加集中采购。
集中采购入围标准包括质量入围标准和供应入围标准。质量入围标准主要考虑药品临床疗效(clinical effects)、不良反应(adverse reactions)、批次稳定性(batch stability)等。供应入围标准主要考虑企业的生产能力(production capacity)、供应稳定性(consistency of supply)等。
一是实现药价明显降低,减轻患者药费负担(lowering drug costs for patients);
二是降低企业交易成本(reducing transaction costs for enterprises),净化流通环境,改善行业生态;
三是引导医疗机构规范用药(regulating drug use of institutions),支持公立医院改革;
四是探索完善药品集中采购机制和以市场为主导的药品价格形成机制(improving the centralized medicine procurement and pricing system)。
集中采购 centralized procurement/pooled procurement
公立医院改革 reform of public hospitals
现代医院管理制度 modern hospital management system
民办医疗机构 private hospital
医事服务费 medical service fees
药品加成 medicine markups/markups on drug prices
医疗、医保、医药联动改革 the coordinated reform of medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry