With worry writ large on his face, a holiday flier digests information of flights delayed or canceled due to fog at the departure hall of Kunming Changshui International Airport. [Photo by Zhang Yujie / for China Daily]
In 2018, the number of Chinese travelers who bought travel accident insurance for outbound trips jumped nearly 20 percent year-on-year, according to a report by Ctrip.com International Ltd.
In terms of payouts, 46 percent of money went to compensating travel schedule changes, 35 percent was for travel delays, and 15 percent for medical care costs, said Ctrip.
据统计,在医疗理赔案件(medical claims)中,摔伤(trips and falls)占比最高,其次是感冒发烧、急性肠胃炎和动物咬伤抓伤。意外摔伤案件中,超过一半是中老年人(middle-aged and senior people)。
报告发现,境外游(overseas trips)风险整体大于境内游(domestic trips),尤其是一些长线旅行目的地(long-distance overseas destinations)(如美国、加拿大、新西兰等国)以及海岛国家(tropical islands)。
海岛目的地是很多游客向往的度假胜地(dream island holiday),快艇颠簸导致腰伤骨折(yachting mishaps)、浮潜或游泳溺水等都屡见不鲜。
被偷被抢(robbery cases)等财产损失也是旅游者的一大风险,欧洲案发率最高,从携程旅游客户和报案理赔看,欧洲占国内外此类案件的20%。
紧急医疗服务 emergency medical care services
航班延误 flight delays
包机航班 chartered flights
海外旅游目的地 overseas destinations
转机 transferring flights
第三方保险平台 third-party insurance platform