General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, President and Central Military Commission Chairman Xi Jinping onboard the destroyer Xining gave an order to commence the naval parade on the sea off Qingdao at about 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.
这次海上阅兵,中方参阅舰艇和飞机包括航母(aircraft carrier)辽宁舰、新型核潜艇(latest nuclear submarines)、新型驱逐舰(latest destroyers)、战机(fighter jets)等,有些舰艇是第一次亮相。
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspects the honor guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy in Qingdao, Shandong province, on Tuesday before reviewing a naval parade marking the Navy's 70th anniversary. [Photo/Xinhua]
Altogether 32 Chinese vessels took part in the event, the vessels sailed in six groups, namely, those of submarines, destroyers, frigates, landing ships, auxiliary ships, and aircraft carrier.
A total of 39 warplanes took part in the parade, the planes flew in 10 echelons, showcasing aircraft for early warning, reconnaissance, anti-submarine patrol, as well as bombers, fighters, carrier-based fighters, and carrier-based helicopters
“同志们好!”(Salute to you, comrades!)
“主席好!”("Hail to you, chairman!")
“同志们辛苦了!”("Comrades, thanks for your hard work!")
“为人民服务!”("Serve the people!")
Navy warship Nanchang sails in the parade. [Photo by Xu Jingxing/China Daily]
除中方参阅兵力外,俄罗斯、泰国、越南、印度等13国海军18艘舰艇也参加了检阅活动,包括驱逐舰(destroyers)、护卫舰(frigates)、登陆舰(landing ships)等不同类型舰艇。
The foreign vessels in the waters off eastern China's coastal city of Qingdao saluted Xi, who was on board the destroyer Xining, in their traditional manners as they passed by.
The destroyer Xining sounded its horn to return the salute, and Xi waved to the naval officers and soldiers aboard the vessels.
A new type of Navy nuclear submarine helps lead the way. [Photo/Xinhua]
航空母舰 aircraft carrier
驱逐舰 destroyer
护卫舰 frigate
登陆舰 landing ship
辅助舰 auxiliary ship
核潜艇 nuclear submarine
航母战斗群 aircraft carrier strike/battle group
战斗机 fighter jet/combat aircraft
舰载机 ship-borne aircraft
预警机 early warning aircraft
反潜巡逻机 anti-submarine patrol aircraft
核动力航母 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
导弹巡洋舰 missile cruiser
海上空军基地 seagoing airbase
【海军军衔 Navy Ranks】
上将 Admiral
中将 Vice-Admiral
少将 Rear Admiral
大校 Senior Captain
上校 Captain
中校 Commander
少校 Lieutenant Commander
上尉 Lieutenant
中尉 Lieutenant Junior Grade
少尉 Ensign