“讨价还价[tǎo jià huán jià]”是指买卖双方“试图达成彼此都能接受的价格或条件(attempt to decide on a price or conditions that are acceptable to the person selling the goods and the person buying them),与英文“haggle over the price”意思相近。
“讨价”特指“卖方向买方报价(name a price)”,而“还价”指“买方要求卖方降价(ask for a price cut)”。
我们在逛街时经常可以看到有店家挂出“谢绝还价”的牌子,英文翻译为“No bargaining, please”。
此外,“讨价还价”还可比喻谈判双方“在达成一致条件前反复争论(argue about something before reaching an agreement)”。
英文习语“bargaining chip”就是特指“讨价还价的筹码、谈判筹码”。“chip”除了表示“薯片、芯片”之外,还可以指“(作赌注用的)筹码”。
lì lái mǎi mài dōng xi shí dōu huì tǎo jià huán jià
It's traditional that you haggle over/about the price of things in the market.
zhè shì fēn pèi gěi nǐ de rèn wù,tǎo jià huán jià yě méi yòng
This is an assignment for you and it’s no use haggling about it.