机动车报废新规公布 6月1日期施行
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    机动车报废新规公布 6月1日期施行

    A man walks through a used car sales yard in Beijing. [Photo provided to China Daily]

    The circular, targeting vehicles that should be scrapped according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety, is aimed at protecting the environment, boosting development of the recycling economy, and ensuring safe transportation.


    这里的“报废机动车(scrap vehicles)”不仅包括汽车,还包括上路行驶的挂车(trailers)、摩托车(motorcycles)和轮式专用机械车(wheeled machinery for special purposes)。


    Scrap这个词基本的意思就是“废弃、取消、残余”,可以用作动词、名词及形容词,用法很灵活,比如,a scrap of paper指“一个小纸片”,而scrap paper则是“废纸”。在表示“报废机动车”的时候,scrap vehicles 或者scrapped vehicles都可以,只不过scrap vehicles这个说法用得更多一些。

    办法规定,拆解的报废机动车发动机(engines)、方向机(steering wheels)、变速器(transmissions)、前后桥(front and rear axles)、车架(frames)等“五大总成”具备再制造条件的(suitable for remanufacturing),可以按照国家有关规定出售给具备再制造能力的企业予以循环利用;同时建立有效的安全管理制度,要求回收企业如实记录报废机动车“五大总成”等主要部件的数量、型号、流向等信息(record number, model and whereabouts about the five main parts)并上传至回收信息系统,做到来源可查、去向可追(to make sure everything is traceable)。

    拆解的报废机动车“五大总成”以外的零部件符合保障人身和财产安全等强制性国家标准,能够继续使用的,可以出售,但应当标明“报废机动车回用件(recycled parts from scrap vehicles)”。

    Recycled scrap vehicles should be dismantled as stipulated. Large coaches, vans, and school buses should be disassembled under the supervision of public security agencies.



    报废机动车 scrap vehicles

    循环利用 recycling

    高污染排放车辆 heavy-polluting vehicles

    老旧机动车 obsolete vehicles

    机动车拆解零件 disassembled automobile parts

      上一篇:每日一词:翻旧账 下一篇:每日一词:弹幕


