Lawbreakers with a history of criminal penalties for rape or child molestation, or administrative penalties for seducing, providing shelter and making introductions for prostitution will be barred from jobs at schools, training institutions, day care centers, hospitals and child welfare facilities.
这里的be barred from表示“禁止、阻止”,与我们常见的ban是近义词,bar和ban通常可以替换使用。如果一定要讲这两个词的区别的话,ban的动词和名词形式多用于表示政府官方机构颁布的“禁令”,而bar通常不带有官方性质。另外,在美剧中经常会看到监狱都有一面铁栅栏墙,所以behind bars表示“进监狱”,比如,The police said they would put him behind bars some day.(警察说总有一天要把他关进监狱。)
除了对教师、医生、教练、保育员等直接对未成年人负有特殊职责的工作人员进行审查外,意见还将保安、门卫、驾驶员等不具有特殊职责,但具有密切接触未成年人条件的其他工作人员纳入适用对象(the policy also applies to security guards, gatekeepers and school bus drivers who have opportunities to come into contact with minors at work)。同时,与未成年人密切接触行业用人单位招募的志愿者在入职前也需进行审查(volunteers recruited for such institutions will be screened as well)。
此外,与未成年人密切接触行业用人单位在招录工作人员时,应当要求包括外国籍人员在内的应聘人员如实报告本人是否存在性侵害等违法犯罪记录(job applicants should honestly tell employers whether they have any record of sexual misconduct or not)。
用人单位应当对拟录用人员是否存在性侵害违法犯罪记录的情况进行审查,并可以向公安机关进行核实(verify with the police)。
未成年人权益 minor's rights and interests
未成年人身心健康 physical and mental health of youngsters
校园欺凌 school bullying
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
课外活动 extracurricular activities
学前教育 preschool education