A Pu, a cartoon image of a young male panda who loves playing table tennis, has become the official global representative of China's giant pandas.
由五洲传播中心与中国大熊猫保护研究中心联合主办的“中国大熊猫国际形象设计全球招募大赛(China Giant Panda Global Image Design Competition)”于今年2月上线启动,收到来自22个国家的2023份优秀作品( 2,023 works recruited globally from 22 countries)。长着爱心眼圈、身穿红色短袖的卡通熊猫“阿璞”得票最高。
We gave A Pu the identity of a young male panda who will soon be a freshman in college and loves playing table tennis. A Pu wears a red T-shirt on which an image of his favorite food-bamboo shoot-can be seen. The eyes of A Pu are heart-shaped, suggesting sentiments of love and caring.
The name A Pu is similar to the pronunciation of "up", as the theme of the competition is "UPanda, signifying the vitality of the young generation".
主办方认为,“阿璞”贴合大赛“中国大熊猫,世界新青年(Chinese Giant Panda and world's new generation)”的主题,呈现和代表越来越国际化的中国新青年:朝气、活力、乐观、自信、爱分享的国际风貌(common qualities shared by today's Chinese young people: dynamics, vitality, optimism, self-confidence, spirit of sharing)。
The image of A Pu will be widely promoted as the official icon of China's giant pandas through cooperation with entertainment and sports companies and will be a bridge connecting China with the rest of the world.
五洲传播中心宣布,使用“阿璞”形象为原型,开发和创作一系列影视动漫作品(produce animated films based on the image of A Pu),及相关衍生文创产品,并持续在国内外推广。
中外友好国际交流中心、大熊猫国际交流国家驻华使馆代表和国际钢琴家吴牧野共同发布“有熊猫UPanda”艺术交流世界行(UPanda art exchange activities)计划,吴牧野作为首个音乐家相应计划、参与音乐创作,“音乐有我”作为“有熊猫UPanda”艺术交流世界行的首发计划,将会以中西合璧的音乐方式,在世界范围举行音乐巡演和艺术交流(introduce music combining traditional Chinese and Western elements to people worldwide)。
人民电竞与“有熊猫UPanda”发布国际大师赛(International Masters Tournaments)联合推广计划,电子竞技(e-sports)作为新兴的体育竞技项目,在世界青年中有着不俗的影响力。
李宁同时发布“有熊猫UPanda”新青年创新推广计划(promotion plan for new youth innovation)。
可口可乐中国发布“有熊猫UPanda X【24】包”中国大熊猫国际形象特别款(special edition of global representative of China's giant pandas)。
中国绿化基金会(China Green Foundation)发布“有熊猫UPanda”全球青少年自然教育公益计划(environmental protection education),为广泛宣传公益环保知识,鼓励更多的大众尤其是青少年学生参与到大熊猫生态栖息地的保护(protection of giant pandas' habitats)中来。
品牌形象大使 brand ambassador
品牌代言人 brand spokesperson
文化交流 cultural exchange
熊猫债券 panda bond(境外和多边金融机构等在华发行的人民币债券)
熊猫外交 panda diplomacy