The first sustainable development forum opened Thursday in Beijing. The forum, co-organized by the Development Research Center of the State Council, the Beijing Municipal Government and relevant organizations of the United Nations, aims to explore the actions and experiences of relevant parties in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
2015年9月,世界各国领导人在联合国峰会上通过了2030年可持续发展议程,该议程涵盖17个可持续发展目标,于2016年1月1日正式生效。这17个可持续发展目标包括:在全世界消除一切形式的贫困;消除饥饿,实现粮食安全,改善营养状况和促进可持续农业;确保健康的生活方式,促进各年龄段人群的福祉;确保包容和公平的优质教育,让全民终身享有学习机会;实现性别平等,增强所有妇女和女童的权能;为所有人提供水和环境卫生并对其进行可持续管理;确保人人获得负担得起的、可靠和可持续的现代能源;促进持久、包容和可持续的经济增长,促进充分的生产性就业和人人 获得体面工作;减少国家内部和国家之间的不平等;采取紧急行动应对气候变化及其影响,等等。该议程将促使人们在那些对人类和地球至关重要的领域中采取行动,并在2030年实现这些目标。
China has adopted the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone, boosted its economy for high-quality development and fully implemented the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China has also made vigorous efforts to advance South-South cooperation, align the Belt and Road Initiative with the agenda and contribute energetically to the worldwide achievements of the sustainable development goals.
eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions
sustainable consumption and production
climate change