multiplying effect
Some people believe that the only way to create wealth is to find a business opportunity that has a multiplying effect.有人认为,创造财富的唯一途径就是寻找到能带来乘数效应的商机。We need to produce a multiplying effect in which “two plus two makes more than four.”我们需要制造“二乘二大于四”的乘数效应。挤出效应
crowding-out effect
The SOE gained the upper-hand in acquiring resources, which has exerted a strong crowding-out effect on other competitors.国有企业在获取资源方面占尽上风,对其竞争对手产生了强大的挤出效应。During the long term, foreign direct investment (FDI) has crowding-out effect to domestic investment.从长期来看,国外直接投资对国内投资具有一定的挤出效应。协同效应
synergistic effect
A major motivation of strategic M A is the synergistic effect.战略性并购的主要动机之一是协同效应。One of the concrete measures is giving into full play the synergistic effect of acquisition and reorganization.具体措施之一是充分发挥兼并重组的协同效应。# 更多译词招聘(来源同文世纪翻译)