英语作为一门语言,有其与时俱进的特性。我们作为英语学习者,要时刻关注时事新闻,才能更好的实现语言的沟通性。下面是小编整理的关于每日一词|数字人民币 E-CNY的资料,希望对你的英语学习有所帮助!
China was the first major economy to begin exploring its own digital currency – E-CNY.
Since the implementation of the first pilot application scenario of the digital renminbi, or e-CNY, the speed and breadth of the promotion have greatly exceeded the market expectation.
The creation ofE-CNYis driven mainly by internal needs, such as reducing costs and transforming into a cashless economy.
以上就是每日一词|数字人民币 E-CNY的全部内容,一起学起来吧!