Hello ! Everyone!欢迎大家光临广播学口语!球和苍蝇也会成为我们今天的话题吗?别诧异了,让我们一起来看看就明白了.
"be on the ball"是我们要学习的第一个短语,我们都看过杂技演员.他们能在滚动的光滑的球上还如履平地一般.行动自由,真是很精彩.而我们说某人"on the ball",可不是说人在玩杂技,而是"对新思想动向敏感熟悉."
Andy虽然是刚进入公司,可熟悉了环境之后,马上把工作做得有声有色,惹得同事们都对他另眼相看.:"Although he is a greenhand, he is really on the ball."(虽然他是一个新手,但很内行.)
"好孩子都是夸出来的",这个道理老板自然明白,于是Andy得到了一大笔奖金.并且在全公司职员的表彰大会上,老板说:"You have done a good job! you are on the ball. I expect you greater progress."(小子,你做得非常好.你很在行.我希望着你能有更大的进步.)受到了老板的鼓舞.Andy心里就甭提有多美了.
既然"on the ball"是指"在行"的意思.那么"drop the ball"又是什么意思呢?一个杂技演员要是从球上面掉下来,那他的演出不是完了吗?所以"drop the ball"引申来是"失职"的意思.
这种坏事,当然不能发生在Andy身上了.可Andy却也"难逃此劫","His friend was fired for dropping the ball, he was so gloomy that he asked Andy to have a drink with him"(朋友因为失职而失去了工作,心情很不好,于是邀请Andy一起去喝一杯.)Andy当然很同情朋友.他说:"OK,I won’t drop the ball to be a good listener (好呀,,,让我当一个好的听众吧)
(1)He is really on the ball.(他很内行)
(2)He was fired for dropping the ball.(他因为失职而被辞退了)
OK, Let’s stop here! See you!