原版英语对话1000个:158 Favorite Place
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    Todd: Kentaro, we're going to talk about destinations.

    Kentaro: Alright

    Todd: Where do you want to go?

    Kentaro: I want to go to Thailand.

    Todd: Thailand. Why Thailand?

    Kentaro: Well, I love that country. The people, the food and the culture.

    Todd: OK, and how would you get there?

    Kentaro: Well, I guess from Narita Airport.

    Todd: OK, how long would it take to get there?

    Kentaro: Approximately 7 hours I would say.

    Todd: 7 hours , that's not too bad. What would you eat in Thailand?

    Kentaro: I would eat Thai food which is something like Pat Thai, which is a Thai noodle, or Tom Yang Gung, which is a Thai soup.

    Todd: OK, is it spicy?

    Kentaro: It's spicy.

    Todd: Really. OK, how long would you stay?

    Kentaro: As long as I can.

    Todd: OK, Yeah. So.

    Kentaro: As long as I don't get fired.

    Todd: OK, Thailand has nice beaches and nice mountains. Which do you prefer the beaches or the moutains?

    Kentaro: I prefer the beach.

    Todd: The beach.

    Kentaro: The beach. It's cold here. It's getting warm but I like warm weather.

    Todd: OK, yeah, yeah. I miss the beach. I'm from California, we have nice beaches.

    Kentaro: Oh, another beach person.

      上一篇:原版英语对话1000个:157 Fears 下一篇:原版英语对话1000个:159 Favorite Fruit

